Everyone has principles and values that they try to stick to no matter what. They define who you are and they can vary from person to person. If I had to choose one principle that everyone would live by, it would be to treat others like you would want to be treated. Everyone wants to be respected, treated fairly, and talked to nicely. If that's how you expect to be treated, you have to treat others that way. If I go around insulting others and just being a terrible person to everyone around me, I can't expect to still be treated with respect. This is why I try to be nice to everyone. I try not to say things to offend or insult others, because I wouldn't want someone to do that to me.
Of course, there are instances when it could be difficult to stick to this principle. Sometimes people can be rude and mean to you for no reason. You might want to lash out and be rude right back to them, but that won't solve anything. Continue to stick to the principle and just be nice.
If everyone stuck to this principle, I think the world would be a better place. There would be more peace and love in the world, instead of all the hatred. People would be kind. We would be able to put aside differences and let go of negativity in order to create a better world where everyone is treated nicely.